Meet Chelsea

I’m so happy that you’re here.

For you to get a FULL understanding into WHY I do what I do, let’s go back down memory lane!

Okay, rewind back to 2017. I was given the opportunity to move from my Corporate HQ [I was a Project Manager at a Corporate IT company] in Minneapolis, MN - back home to my sleepy beach town of Wilmington, NC.

I very quickly realized, that while I loved being back home with family & closer to the beach…I realized how quick I was at my job…

Everyday…clock would hit 11am… all of my work was done for the day… but I still had to be “clocked in” for my full 40 hours. (What a waste for me… AND for my employer.)

This realization, is what has led me down the rest of my entrepreneurial journey for the past 7 years

The reality - is that MOST positions NO LONGER require 40 hours a week.

And when you FORCE this type of relationship, you typically end up with companies OVER-PAYING for employees to Amazon/TikTok scroll… AND - you end up with employees who are un-engaged, bored, and honestly, unsatisfied in their roles.

I personally dabbled in the traditional realm of freelancing for my first year of working online [you know, where you track your time & you are paid hourly for your work].

But I also ultimately realized that this was not a long-term way to scale/make money/monetize the skills that I had.

By the start of 2019, I knew that I needed something MORE than hourly gigs.

But instead, I wanted to insert myself as a LONG-TERM team members for the small/start-up teams that I worked with.

Insert, my realization that “fractional” was the solution.

For me & for my clients.

Now, how do you “fix” this situation…?

This allowed me, to make a SET amount of money each month - and also allowed my clients to access my knowledge, expertise, and skillset - at a rate that would be IMPOSSIBLE to access in a full-time capacity [based on their budgets].

While I mastered this fractional method for myself - I also started helping my CLIENTS hire more & more team members into their organizations in fractional capacities.

Fractional positions in… Operations. Sales. Marketing. HR. Customer Success. IT. You name it.

So what started out as me wanting to create a more STABLE relationship between my clients & I - has turned into a secret knack that I have developed…

Helping small/start-up/founder-led/entrepreneurs GROW their organizations by partnering up with top talent… in a FRACTIONAL capacity!

AKA: Fractional Matchmaking